Urge DOI Secretary Haaland: Humane Management, Not Roundups!

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The Biden Administration recently released the President's Budget for Fiscal Year 2022. Unfortunately, it includes increased funding for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Wild Horse & Burro Program - up to $153 million.

 Rather than overhauling this broken program, it appears the increase is intended to continue the Trump Administration's disaster plan for wild horses. 

 This "Path Forward" calls for: 

  • massive roundups

  • breaking up wild horse and burro families

  • stockpiling over 100,000 wild horses and burros in government pens

  • destroying the "wild" behaviors that differentiates these magnificent animals from their domestic cousins.

 Perhaps you can understand why we call this the "Path to Destruction."

 Please act NOW to oppose this plan! Stand with us as we urge Interior Secretary Haaland and Acting BLM Director Nada Culver to create a platform for wild horse advocates and pubic lands ranchers to work together.

TCF's 3 guiding principles will create will create win-win solutions for stakeholders AND create a fair, humane program for our wild horses and burros. Click below to take quick action now!

Dana Zarrello