BLM is Decimating Jackson Mountains Herd Right Now


As you read this, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is conducting an "emergency" roundup - removing hundreds of wild horses from the Jackson Mountains Herd Management Area (HMA).


The agency claims limited water and forage is the reason -- but, while the BLM cries "emergency" and rounds up our wild horses - they added commercial livestock to this same area just months ago!


This cannot go unopposed.


BLM is asking for public comments on their roundup plan for wild horses in Jackson Mountains HMA. Given their actions, this may appear to be a sham. 


However, we cannot emphasize enough how essential it is to have strong pubic opposition ON THE RECORD for this unfairunscientific and inhumane treatment of animals who are supposed to be protected.


Please take quick action below to oppose the BLM and be a voice for the Jackson Mountains wild horses.

Dana Zarrello