Fight for Wild Horses Shifts to Senate.


On September 6th the House Rules Committee voted to block the Titus Amendment, a bipartisan amendment to the Interior Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year 2018 which would have prohibited the slaughter of healthy, wild horses and burros under the care of the Bureau of Land Management and its contractors. In any case our thanks go out to the champions of wild horses and burros for introducing this amendment--Congresswomen Titus (D-NV), Reps. Jared Polis (D-CO), Michelle Lujan (D-NM), Carlos Curbelo(R-FL), and Peter King(R-NY). 

Although this Amendment was blocked in the House Rules Committee, we cannot give up now. Shift your focus to your U.S. Senators. Your calls to save our wild horses and burros have never meant so much. Every call could save every horse and burro like the ones pictured below that are scheduled to be rounded up this fall in the Lost Creek HMA in Wyoming. (picture taken June, 2017)


Stop what you’re doing and pick up the phone. This may be the epitome of dire straights for our wild horses and burros. You can make a difference.

Click here to contact your senators!

Tell them not to be fooled. Wild horses and burros in the west are not starving! On the contrary.

Conditions on the range are some of the best in years. Don't let your senator vote to kill perfectly healthy animals based on lies and distortions. Hold their feet to the fire and make sure you tell them that you DO NOT SUPPORT killing healthy animals just to benefit welfare ranchers and energy interests who would rather not have wild horses and burros on OUR public lands.

Be a champion for them. Make those calls!

Action AlertsJesse Daly