AUG. 8, 2023 LAWSUIT FILED - Cameras on Helicopters

Wild horses breaking their legs trying to escape capture… tiny foals literally being chased to death… horses breaking their necks crashing into gates trying to escape capture. This is the brutality eyewitnesses reported just recently during Bureau of Land Management roundups this summer.

To end roundups, we must expose the entire cruelty of them. That's why The Cloud Foundation has filed a lawsuit to require cameras on helicopters, at trap sites, and in holding pens.

 Eyewitnesses are only allowed to observe the tail end of roundups. Ginger Kathrens explains:

 The public is unable to observe much of what goes on during a helicopter roundup. The helicopter often flies miles away, out of sight. Public observation is often limited to the very end of the stampede into the trap. Viewing of other aspects of the operation is typically obstructed by hills, trees, or other obstacles. This is not meaningful observation..”

The untold pain and suffering of these cherished American icons are occurring out of sight. Our lawsuit aims to shine a light on these roundups and promote accountability to ensure that wild horses and burros are treated humanely.

 We cannot succeed without your help.

Please help us fund this important lawsuit. Through your donations, we will continue the fight to protect America's wild horses and burros and won't stop until we change this inhumane and broken program. We hope you will join us.

The Cloud Foundation