A Tribute to Sky


Dear friends,

I wrote the following tribute to my Medicine Hat Spanish Mustang, Sky,

for his many friends and my family members. Primarily, I wrote it for my great niece, Chelsea, who had an unusual, almost mystical relationship with Sky.  She first rode him (with the help of her mother) when she was three and he was a colt, just learning what it meant to carry something on his back. 

Sky was the great grandson of San Domingo, the Medicine Hat stallion, a real horse who once ran wild on the Santo Domingo Pueblo in Northern New Mexico. Emmet Brislawn captured the wild stallion and brought him to his Cayuse Ranch in Northeastern Wyoming. It was here that the gifted author of children’s literature, Marguerite Henry met the stallion. Soon after, she wrote San Domingo, the Medicine Hat Stallion, a fictional

account of a boy and his mystical wild stallion.  The movie version was entitled Peter Lundy and the Medicine Hat Stallion.

The native people believed that harm would not come to a person who

rode such a sacred horse.  Chelsea was too young to understand the concept of such a myth. However, harm certainly never came to her when she rode the grandson of this famous mustang. . . for two decades. 


Dana Zarrello