BLM Announces Plan for Record Roundups in 2022


The U.S. Bureau of Land Management issued a press release yesterday detailing the agency's plans for wild horses and burros in 2022.


Announcing their intent to remove at least 22,000 our our wild horses and burros in 2022, the document reads like a marketing campaign for roundups -- chock full of trite, unsubstantiated claims about range damage and starving animals.


The Bureau has successfully created a false narrative selling the idea that traumatic, costly helicopter roundups are...for the horses own good! 🤯


NOWHERE in the press release do they mention the MILLIONS of privately owned cattle and sheep which dominate grazing in designated wild horse/burro habitat.


We at the Cloud Foundation are determined to fight this plan, and the false story the Bureau is selling, and we need your help.


This battle will be won and lost in the halls of Congress. This year it is essential that we make headway with our country's governing bodies -- and to do that we need YOU, the American people, to raise your voices like never before.


We'll be calling on you in the coming months to exert your power as a citizen of this country, to tell YOUR government that the will of the people is that OUR wild mustang and burro herds be preserved and protected for future generations...


NOT that they survive on the meager leftovers of the commercial livestock wreaking havoc on our western rangelands.


Stay tuned, spread the word, and get ready to fight.

The first step in preparing to fight is to GET INFORMED. Please take a moment to read the Bureau’s press release linked below, then visit the GET INFORMED page of our website to learn more about the science behind the wild horse/burro issue. We need all hands on deck, armed with the FACTS, to win for wild horses!

Dana Zarrello