Wild Horse Wins: Congressional Champions Fight for Wild Horses & Burros


Today we have news about TWO BIG WINS for wild horses and burros!


This week Congressman Steve Cohen (D-TN) sent a masterful letter to Secretary Haaland and Bureau of Land Management Director Tracy Stone-Manning, calling on them to STOP the roundups and change the course of the Bureau's failed roundup-and-stockpile system.


Congressman Cohen is a member of the House Committee on Natural Resources (which can hold the Bureau accountable) and a member of the Congressional Animal Protection Caucus.


The Caucus formerly supported the ASPCA/HSUS/Livestock Lobby's Path Forward -- so this letter is a big step in the right direction. 🙌


Please -- read Congressman Cohen's phenomenal letter below, share it on social media and tag him! Show your support for this courageous legislator who is calling for change!


Don't forget to use the hashtag #HoldAWildHorseHearing - Congressman Cohen's Committee Members are the ones who can get it done!  

Congresswoman Dina Titus (D-NV) is also leading a charge to stop the roundups!


A long time ally for our cause, Congresswoman Titus was deeply affected by recent graphic video captured by Wild Horse Education which showed a wild foal being driven in a roundup until its leg literally broke under the stress. 


The Congresswoman is introducing a bill to END helicopter roundups as a method of "managing" wild horses/burros. 🎉 


We believe her bill should be supported, not just because of the obvious animal cruelty but because there is ample science to demonstrate that roundups DON'T work, not to mention the massive fiscal waste of the current paradigm.


We encourage you to watch this groundbreaking story and again, SHARE. 


We MUST support those who support our wild horses. Share, post, tag, and let them know we applaud their efforts on behalf of America's wild horses and burros!

Demanding Accountability for Wild Horses/Burros

If you missed Tuesday's email -- We're calling on Congressional leaders to convene a hearing and hold the Bureau of Land Management accountable for the fiscal disaster that is its wild horse and burros program.


We must tell leaders that we've had ENOUGH.


- Stop the animal cruelty.


- Stop wasting our tax monies on helicopter roundups.


- Stop the mismanagement based on unscientific, fraudulent "AMLs."


- Stop killing the "wildness" in our wild horses through sterilization. 


We need YOU to send a message to right now to the people who can make a difference.


- CLICK the green "TAKE ACTION NOW" button below and send your messages.


- SHARE this action on all your social media platforms.


- TAG your posts with the hashtag #HoldAWildHorseHearing and TAG your representatives!


We can't do this without YOU.

Dana Zarrello