Webinar: Lobbying Effectively for Wild Horses & Burros


In this webinar, The Cloud Foundation teamed up with Animal Wellness Action and The Center for a Humane Economy to take your advocacy efforts to the next level, and offer an insight into the lobbying process. With this discussion, we aim to offer you the tools and information you need to speak effectively with your representatives on behalf of America's wild horses & burros.

About The Panelists 

Deniz Bolbol (The Cloud Foundation) has spent the past 15 years in wild horse advocacy, documenting roundups, creating humane fertility control programs, and fighting for fair allocation of forage and preservation of natural wild horse behaviors. 

Marty Irby (Animal Wellness Action) has been recognized by The Hill as one of the top lobbyists in 2019, 2020 and 2021. He fights fiercely for animal protection legislation, and has been leading the charge for passing the PAST Act.

Scott Beckstead (Center for a Humane Economy) is a professor of animal law, a trainer for law enforcement in how to investigate equine cruelty, and an outspoken advocate for animal protection.

Dana Zarrello