Support Voluntary Retirement of Livestock Grazing Permits


Creating Win-Win solutions is the way to finally establish fair and humane management of our beloved wild horses and burros. There are ways we can make it a win for wild horses and burros (and advocates) and, yes, also for ranchers who run livestock on our public lands. This is one of those solutions.

Please urge your Congressional representative to co-sponsor H.R. 5737 the Voluntary Grazing Permit Retirement Act, which would allow ranchers to work with advocates to voluntarily retire their grazing permits and have those forage allocations be transferred for use by wild horses, burros and/or wildlife. Right now, this type of permit retirement is prohibited by federal law. It's time for Congress to stop blocking opportunities for Americans to work together and create options such as Voluntary Grazing Permit Retirement.

Dana Zarrello