The first signs of life we encountered were a few thousand sheep

Driving around, we encountered another flock up-close

Finally we spotted two bachelor stallions up north: the sorrel, Twister, and his son, Gus.

Twister & Gus sparred in the cool morning air.

Hidden in the junipers we briefly spotted the striking dun bachelor, Hank, before he disappeared

Looking west from the mesa, Rachel spotted a band with... a foal!

We hiked down toward them, keeping our distance. The grey band stallion, Warrior, watched us before deciding we were okay.

Warrior's lieutenant stallion, Bojangles, looked like he got into a scrape. Maybe with Warrior. The neck wound is sizable, but looks as though it's healing all right.

We got a better look at the flashy little colt, who no one had seen before.

His mother, Shiva, was careful. And her yearling colt, Shatzi, was hanging close.

We left them in peace and went in search of more horses. We found the buckskin stallion, Bugs, with his band.

Two of his sons were getting big and argumentative with each other.

Sundance & Titanium

They were extremely interested in Bugs' other mare, Rita. Bugs wasn't stopping them from trying to breed her. She was not thrilled.

Bugs wasn't overly concerned about kicking his sons out.

While hiking back up to the car, we saw the dust pick up & saw horses racing toward us.

Rachel figured it was the stallion Nomad, with his longtime mare, Feather, and another stallion's mares

After they streamed by us, we hiked over to the waterhole nearby, but all we found were sheep prints. Mucky mess!

We ventured over to the west side and found a few bands together - Cosmo, Prince, & Hoot.

We were massively distracted when we looked to our left and saw Hoot bringing his new filly up the hill.

She was just adorable.

We went back over to Cosmo's band, to see Cosmo & Gem's new little filly, Magic

And also Grace & Cosmo's new little colt, Stargazer!

Stargazer romped around quite a bit.

After we left Cosmo, we found some bachelors nearby playing, including Snip & Flash.

We found some more bachelors hanging in a smaller group. Here's Star.

Star was hanging out with White Out, one of the older bachelors on the range.

Bobby, a new bachelor, was learning from White Out.

We turned back and there was the stallion Kiowa being chased by Cosmo.

Cosmo & Kiowa squared off. Kiowa has been dogging the band.

Cosmo trots back to the band.

We got distracted again as we saw Outlaw standing up to Hoot.

Hoot trotted back to Juniper & her filly.

He snaked Juniper & her foal back down the hillside.

Juniper led her filly up toward us. I think she was parading her little one around.

Proud mama Juniper

After a spell, we left them and found Nomad! He and Feather were together for a long time. Recently she was seen was Femur. Well, now Nomad has Feather back as well as Femur's entire band!

Wanda, the young filly of Yellowcat, was born late last fall. Both mom and daughter wintered well though!

Kinstry, the beautiful grulla mare now with Nomad.

Femur (right) was not going to take the loss of his band lightly.

With his new mare Yellowcat in heat, he wanted to breed her. But Feather repeatedly stepped in and denied him.

Feather even flehmened, normally a stallion behavior, and then covered up the scent of Yellowcat with her own. Fascinating!

Femur tried to get too close again. Nomad backed him off.

Chrome, an extremely flash red dun stallion, was also dogging Nomad. But Femur kept him from getting close.

The next morning we awoke to see Cosmo's band not too far from our tent. We hiked out to see them. Here is Grace & Stargazer.

Stargazer stretches after a nap.

Magic played with some sagebrush.

Looking across the flats, we saw another group of horses. We got closer to find the older stallion Lightning dogging Haze's band.

Haze & White Sage.

Yarrow, Demi (a domestic mare from a nearby ranch, she has been wild for a few years now), & the yearling Sagewood watch the stallions.

Haze chases Lightning off.

But Lightning circled back around.

Demi got a little bored with the proceedings.

We ventured off & eventually found the stallion Voodoo with his young mare, Streaker. They have a yearling filly, Fleck, and now a little foal!

Eventually we had to leave, but we drove past one of the big waterholes on the way out. It was covered in sheep!

Near the main road, you could see the damage done by trailing thousands of sheep.

We looked uphill from the trailing, and saw this.



Corona warns off Bugs

Corona (center) with his mares

Corona's band at the waterhole

Corona's band at the waterhole


The little filly Hopscotch

Picasso & his mare Mingo


Picasso's band



Storm & his band

The young mare Streaker

Tasca & Talia

Part of Tuscarora's band

Voodoo & his two mares