Speak Up For Humane Standards During Helicopter Roundups!
Whether we like it or not (and we do not!), the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act allows for the use of helicopters to roundup wild horses and burros, due to a provision added in 1976.
More than 3,000 wild horses and burros are slated for helicopter roundup in Nevada in the coming 3-4 months. And if the current trend continues, thousands more will be targeted for roundup by helicopter next year.
Helicopter drives (sometimes called "stampedes") are traumatic and injurious, and we must call upon BLM to minimize this risk as much as possible.
BLM Nevada is requesting public comment on its use of helicopters in wild horse and burro management.
PLEASE - take a moment to sign our petition outlining the humane standards necessary to minimize the danger to these cherished animals (as much as possible)!
**Don't delay! Deadline is midnight June 30th, to ensure BLM receives it by the deadline. It only takes a moment to add your name!**