Tell BLM: Manage Sand Wash Basin Wild Horses On the Range!
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is asking for public comments on a plan to remove 80% of the Sand Wash Basin herd located in northwestern Colorado. The agency wants to leave just 163 wild horses on the range - while they allowed the annual equivalent of over 180 cows to graze there last year.
Additionally, BLM is proposing fertility control methods that would destroy natural "wild" behaviors -- including the use of Gonacon and artificially skewing the sex ratio which destroys wild horse social structure and increases stallion aggression.
Please join us in calling on BLM to humanely manage this herd on the range with PZP fertility control, and to allow the herd size to be reduced through natural attrition over time.
It takes just a moment to add your name and speak up for Colorado's Sand Wash Basin wild horses!