Pryor Mountain Horse Range 2023-24 EA Released!
Encore and her filly Windsong Oct. 2022 - Photo Credit, The Cloud Foundation
The Billings BLM office has posted their Environmental Assessment and proposed actions for the Pryor horses, and the public comment period is now open.
You may access the 88-page EA and the other appendix and supplemental documents here: EplanningUi ( The most current documents are in the 30-day Comment Period on Preliminary EA section.
We are working to make the submission of your comments as easy as possible by having a custom online alert developed. We hope our partners at EveryAction will have this to us in the next couple of days so that we may send that link out by the end of the week - complete with suggestions for talking points.
In the meantime, Ginger wanted to reach out to talk to you about this EA and our beloved Pryor herd.
Ginger sits atop the PMWHR ready to document the Pryor herd.