Tragedy at the Antelope Valley Complex roundup continues...

How do you spell cruelty? We at the Cloud Foundation spell it:  R.O.U.N.D.U.P. Even more brutal -- Helicopter Roundup.


The BLM's Antelope Valley Complex roundup commenced on July 9th and is making our point for us. In 16 days, 19 horses have been killed. At least 7 tiny foals have died from the stress of the BLM miles-long run in hot and extreme temperatures. It's unknown how many may have collapsed out on the range during the helicopter stampede. Mares have been driven so hard that they've broken their necks - likely crashing gates.  Stallions have lost their lives, as well - one dying in the loading process (broken neck), and another - admirers named Mr. Sunshine - broke his leg jumping the 6' trap in a valiant attempt for freedom, which ended in a three-legged, 35-minute chase from both helicopter and horseman before his suffering was finally ended.


BLM reports 19 deaths so far.  With the roundup still in progress, final reports are yet to come. However, an accurate count may never be known.


"The undercounting of deaths is, unfortunately, very common," says TCF Founder, Ginger Kathrens. "It is BLM practice to not count the foals under one year old as part of the herd size, so they are often not reported in a roundup death count."


 ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! This kind of horrific cruelty needs to stop. There's no accountability.


If you agree, please take action!

  • Call your Senators and Representatives and encourage them to support the Wild Horse and Burro Protection Act of 2023 - HR-3656—click the link below.

  • Contact your local TV stations and newspapers and ask them to investigate this story. 

  • Share this story on social media and throughout your friend network.

Talking points:

  • I am a constituent and am asking Congressperson {name} to please co-sponsor HR-3656.

  • The current Bureau of Land Management massive roundup in the Antelope Valley Complex is the perfect example of why Congress must take action to stop helicopter roundups.

  • Helicopter roundups can not be humane as proven by BLM. These animals are being stampeded in extreme temperatures or untold miles.

  • Please speak up for America’s wild horses and burros and co-sponsor HR3656.

Here are the links for the BLM daily roundup reports: Antelope Valley Complexes North and South.

The Cloud Foundation