SPEAK UP FOR DEVIL'S GARDEN WILD HORSES: USFS Public Hearing on Helicopter Roundup
Photo Montgomery Creek Ranch Wild Horse Sanctuary
Interagency News Release
For Immediate Release
Inyo National Forest
(760) 873-2400
Modoc National Forest
(530) 233-8738
Posted September 26th, 2024 –
On October 10th, from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. PST, the Modoc and Inyo National Forests will conduct a virtual public hearing regarding the use of helicopters and other mechanized equipment during wild horse roundup operations. The hearing will be held using Zoom video conferencing technology.
An annual public hearing is required to comply with Section 404 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act when using a helicopter, fixed wing aircraft, and other mechanized equipment to conduct population surveys or roundups on wild horse territories.
Recent aerial surveys on and around the Devil’s Garden Plateau and Montgomery Pass Wild Horse Territories (WHTs) show that current populations are estimated to be substantially larger than appropriate management levels. Data collected during aerial survey flights are compared using statistical modeling to estimate sighting rates from observers and provide a conservative population estimate.
The Inyo and Modoc National Forests plan to capture and remove “excess” wild horses from areas within and outside the Devil’s Garden Plateau and outside of the Montgomery Pass WHTs during the next 12 months. This complies with policy that directs the managing agencies to keep wild horse herds at appropriate management levels. Appropriate management levels are designed to preserve and maintain a thriving natural ecological balance and multiple-use relationship on the wild horse territories.
The virtual meeting will provide updates on planning for the roundups and the use of helicopters and other mechanized equipment during capture operations. During the meeting, public comments will be accepted regarding using mechanized equipment to roundup horses.
Join at https://usfs.zoomgov.com/j/1612948049?pwd=1pDFtAvmyN3vQob3et1gMzR78iCV5n.1
Meeting ID: 161 294 8049 and passcode DDW#2024
To participate by phone, find your local number: https://usfs.zoomgov.com/u/acsyqW1aTk
Comments will be accepted during the meeting using the “raise hand” icon or in writing to sm.fs.modoc_info@usda.gov or sm.fs.InyoWH_B@usda.gov.
For information about United States Forest Service Wild Horses, their territories, or how to provide homes for horses, please visit: