Help End Abuse
At Wild Horse Roundups
Photo by Mike Lorden
Wild horses and burros are stampeded by helicopters at roundups. This includes vulnerable elderly horses as well as newborns. They lose their freedom and family in one terrifying day. Sometimes they lose their lives.
The BLM has continually rejected The Cloud Foundation's requests to add cameras to helicopters, trap sites, and temporary holding areas during roundup operations. Though we have offered to fund this project and assist in any way necessary, this proposed action has been ignored repeatedly.
BLM claims that roundups are humane and safe. Cameras will support their claims - or expose a need for changes and improvements. That's why TCF has filed a lawsuit to require cameras during a helicopter roundup - on the helicopters, at the trap sites, and in the temporary holding pens - to ensure that wild horses and burros are not being overly stressed, injured, or killed during this inherently cruel process.
In an age where cameras are used in a wide variety of instances to provide transparency, ensure proper procedures are followed, and promote safety, mounting cameras on helicopters for government-run roundups is truly a no-brainer.