FY 2020 Spending Bill Could Be Disastrous for our Wild Herds


Late yesterday afternoon TCF received the Conference Committee language for the final Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriations Bill for the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program. It's copied below.

For the wild horse and burro program, the bill contains a total appropriation of $101,555,000, of which $21,000,000 shall not be available for obligation until 60 days after the Bureau submits a comprehensive and detailed plan for an aggressive, non-lethal population control strategy. For purposes of the plan to be submitted, the directives expressed by the House and Senate in House Report 116-100 and Senate Report 116-123, respectively, shall prevail, particularly with respect to strict compliance with the Bureau's Comprehensive Animal Welfare Program. ln addition, the plan shall also include no less than five consecutive years of detailed expenditure estimates beginning with fiscal year 2020. The plan shall also include a thorough discussion of the Bureau's proposed management of the logistical details of the strategy, including but not limited to: (1) the number of individuals currently assigned and actively working in the program and the number of additional personnel needed to implement the strategy; (2) the resources (including personnel and equipment) currently available for animal gathers and the increases needed in those resources to substantially increase the number of animals gathered for removal to achieve appropriate management levels; (3) the number of all short-term and long-term holding facilities currently under contract (including their current holding capacity and when those contracts expire), and an estimate of the number of additional facilities that will be needed and the Bureau's strategy to obtain those facilities, and; ( 4) the amount of fertility control resources currently available, the additional resources anticipated to be needed and the plan for obtaining those resources, and the plan for administering those resources, all focused on implementing a strategy aimed at minimizing future removals and maximizing treatment and retreatment of on-range animals to maintain appropriate management levels. Finally, the Bureau shall brief the Committees upon submission of the report, and quarterly thereafter.

While an additional $21 million for the Wild Horse and Burro Program might appear ideal on the outside, the concern is that all or most of the funds will be spent on perpetuating the broken system of violent helicopter roundups that shatter wild horse families, incarcerating those who survive and are not adopted in mindless, disgusting holding facilities.

130,000 wild horses and burros could be removed over the next 10 years leaving remnant herds threatened with genetic die off. Most of our herds are already underpopulated and genetically challenged, managed on wild horse ranges populated by millions of head of privately-owned, taxpayer subsidized cattle and sheep.

There are more questions than answers. What really lies between the lines in this language? There appears to be no explicit prohibition of barbaric ovariectomy or other permanent sterilization techniques. Nor is there any assurance that only humane, reversible fertility control will be used.

Here are some of our thoughts and concerns:

  • Short of stating that the additional $21 million can't be used until 60 days after a comprehensive report is made to Congress, the language doesn't stipulate or recommend where the funds are to be spent. 

  • There appears to be no prohibition on chemical or surgical sterilization.

  • There appears to be no mandate for humane, reversible fertility control.

  • The committee does, however, insist upon detailed reports from BLM, giving the impression they realize oversight is necessary with this government agency.

  • *Key Point* This appropriation is contingent upon the budget being passed before December 20th. If it is not, we will end up with another Continuing Resolution, and this bill will not move forward. 

What does this mean? Here are some key points to understand:

  • The fight is not over yet. This is not a "done deal"

  • The full House will vote on the Conference Committee language and spending bill (possibly today)

  • The full Senate will still have to vote to pass the bill, if it is passed by the House

  • If the budget is not passed by December 20th, we will end up with another Continuing Resolution (CR) to keep the government operating. The CR will not provide any additional funds for BLM.

  • This bill provides a total of $1.4 billion for the Bureau of Land Management, $24 million over their 2019 funding and $182 million more than the President's budget request. The exorbitant extra funding may play a part in the passage (or not) of this bill.

We will keep you informed as we hear more. When there is action too take, we will let you know. And as always, The Cloud Foundation will continue to fight for America's wild horses and burros, to keep them free on our public lands.  

The Cloud Foundation