The Journey Home
The Freedom Family on their last day in Montana
TCF’s Freedom Family moves from Montana to Colorado
Thanks to hundreds of incredibly generous donors, the Freedom Family is home at last! It was a huge undertaking from start to finish, but we made it! And all 11 of our rescues are now safely roaming their new pastures.
Now the next phase of the project begins. The Freedom Family needs some time to settle in. And we need some time to plan, create and implement what we hope will be an incredible new project. Keep your eyes open for more news on that in the coming months.
We could never have done this without your support, and we're so grateful! We’ve documented their journey below and hope you enjoy the photos!
Thank you again for all that you do for our wild horses and burros on the range - and for those who have lost their freedom.
Dana Zarrello
Deputy Director
The Cloud Foundation
Let’s Get Moving!
Dr. Lisa Jacobson, TCF’s longtime veterinarian and friend made the trip to Montana to ensure all went smoothly with the Freedom Family’s move. Below she takes photos of each of the horses for their paperwork and draws blood for the Coggins test, to prove they are not carriers of Equine Infectious Anemia. All this is essential and the paperwork will be checked as the horses cross state lines.
Meanwhile back in Colorado, construction speeds along at the Freedom Family’s new home
Moving Day
It was a pre-dawn start to what was going to prove a long day. The Freedom Family was loaded onto the trailers and would soon be on their way - traveling across Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado to their new home.
It takes a village
Without our many kind-hearted helpers this would never have been possible! Our team from Montana to Colorado made this move possible start to finish. On the ground in Colorado here they are hard at work unloading and making sure the horses have fresh hay. Size and age were no barrier! All hands were on deck to welcome the horses home.
Welcome Home!
It wasn’t perfect, but what ever is? The Freedom Family arrived in Colorado in one of the worst storms of the summer. Construction was delayed due to weather and supplies, but all is well that ends well. They’re settling in to their new surroundings and getting the lay of their land.
That’s all - But only for now
We’ll be back in the coming months with an update on the Freedom Family, their new home, and our progress on this new project. If you have questions you can always contact us at
Happy Trails!