A Tribute to Trigger
We have sad news to share with you today...
Our Pryor Mustang “Freedom Family” has suffered a loss -- band stallion Trigger passed away recently at the grand old age of 24.
Trigger and his band were rescued by the Cloud Foundation after the tragic roundup of 2009, after which we adopted several families of senior Pryor mustangs in order to keep them together and safe.
Trigger was the leader of our "Freedom Family" for many years, and has blessed us with several offspring, including our surprise filly, Calamity Jane, just last year!
Click below to watch Ginger's video tribute to Trigger, whom she'd known since he was a mere colt - even before she met the indomitable Cloud!
If you would like to support Trigger's family, or make a donation in his memory, click below.
Freedom Family Band Stallion Trigger (left) with his 2020 filly, Calamity Jane