2024's Largest Roundup Took Place in NV
Nevada’s wild horses have a big target on their backs in 2024. © The Cloud Foundation
East Pershing Complex Wild Horse Round-Up
Helicopters have driven more of Nevada's wild horses from their homes and families.
Pregnant mares and tiny babies ran for their lives as the Winnemucca District Humboldt River BLM Field Office continued a devastating helicopter roundup that began Dec. 22 and ended Feb. 9, 2024. Three Herd Management Areas and four Herd Areas were included in this huge removal, and BLM captured 2,692 wild horses, including 359 babies. Their original goal was to remove 2,875 wild horses—leaving only 622 wild horses to live on 2,181,650 acres! That's 3,507.47 acres per horse.
More statistics:
28 cattle allotments are active in this complex.
26 horses have been killed in this roundup.
Stay Further Information
You may read the daily reports for this roundup here:
East Pershing Complex Wild Horse Roundup (Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Daily Gather Reports to read detailed comments.)
This roundup concluded on February 9th —
2,692 Wild Horses captured (1,082 Stallions, 1,245 Mares, and 365 Foals)
2,664 Wild Horses shipped (1,067 Stallions, 1,234 Mares, and 362 Foals)
(Roundup data shared from BLM’s East Pershing Complex Wild Horse page)
~ The Cloud Team