[video] Appeal Filed to Stop Zeroing Out of 6 HMAS in the Caliente Complex, NevadA
Support our fight to prevent the eradication of 6 herds in the Caliente complex in eastern Nevada, click here: https://www.thecloudfoundation.org/donations
We hope you and your family are doing well and keeping safe in the middle of this pandemic! It's a scary time for all of us and we wonder what the world will look like on the other side.
On our end, TCF is fighting hard in federal court to stop BLM from zeroing-out -- or permanently removing -- ALL wild horses in the remaining 6 HMAs of the Caliente Complex of eastern Nevada. While BLM claims the horses are destroying the range, they continue to permit thousands of cattle to graze in the same area.
Last month, a federal judge issued a ruling against us and the 1700+ wild horses who live in Caliente. Now The Cloud Foundation, along with Western Watershed Projects, is preparing to fight this bad ruling.
Our legal team is getting ready to file the appeal. We cannot concede defeat. If we do, these horses will lose their freedom forever -- 1,700 more victims of the BLM's sick system of wild horse imprisonment.
Lawsuits are expensive and we need your help.
Thousands of wild horses are slated for removal if we don’t prevail.
We know this is a big ask in these unprecedented times. But, without your help, these magnificent animals will lose their families and their freedom, and some will likely lose their lives. Please donate if you can to this worthy cause. Together, we will fight with everything we've got to keep them free. That's our promise to you, and to them.
No donation is too small (or too big!). We know these are extraordinary times but YOU are extraordinary people. Thank you for everything you do, for how much you care, and for your support of our work.