[Video] Views from the Range, March 2021


Dear friends,

A chilly trip to the Pryor Wild Horse Range in March offered Ginger few viewing opportunities. This time of year, the horses are still in remote areas, surviving on the scanty forage that will sustain them through the final months of winter.

Persistence pays off, however! And Ginger is undeterred by weather or time when it comes to capturing the intimate lives of these magnificent wild animals and sharing them with you.

Life in the wild isn’t easy. There are both joys and hardships. Above all, however, there is freedom and the right to choose how to live one’s life. Self-determination, freedom, wild spirit. These are the things we value and cherish in our wild mustangs! We hope you enjoy these brief glimpses into life on the range as much as we love to bring them to you!

If you can, please donate to support our work, and help us keep America’s wild horses and burros in the wild, with their families, where they belong!

~ The Cloud Foundation team

Dana Zarrello