BLM Oregon Plans to Roundup 1,800 Wild Horses Please Take Action Now!

Humphry Pine Nut Fish Springs horses NV.png

Please take quick action to tell BLM that removing 1,800 wild horses from the Barren Valley Complex in south-eastern Oregon is wrong on every front: (1) bad for the wild horses, (2) costly for tax payers, (3) violates the intention of the 1971 Wild Horse Act that specifically states that Barren Valley Complex, and all wild horse habitat, is to be "devoted principally" for wild horses and their welfare.

BLM Oregon is setting the stage for massive roundups over the next 10 years to wipe out the majority of our wild horses on our public lands to accommodate more private livestock grazing.

Your voice matters.

Change takes time. But with your help, we will fix this rigged system that continues to shortchange Americans and the wild horses we love. Thank you for taking action today!

Dana Zarrello