Tell Congress: Hold Govt. Accountable for Failed Program


In January, we promised we would call on you to raise your voice like never before for America's wild horses and burros, and we meant it.


The House Committee on Natural Resources MUST hold the Bureau of Land Management accountable for its mismanagement of the Wild Horse and Burro Program.


The Cloud Foundation is calling for a hearing to rein in this rogue agency that manages our public lands for private interests, annihilating our wild herds.


The ONLY way Committee leaders will convene a hearing is if the Democratic committee members will attend and invest in this issue.


Committee members who serve the livestock lobby's special interests will be there to defend the status quo. 


But the Democratic members don't have the same motivation. WE must MAKE them care. 


This isn't going to be an easy fight. 


The Civil Rights movement didn't win with a single march. 


Gandhi didn't prevail by refusing a single meal. 


And we aren't going to win for our wild horses with just one Action Campaign.


We must prepare for the long haul. With consistent action we can prevail, precisely because we will NOT give up.


Every action we ask of you will have a purpose and will build on the previous one. Here is your Action for today:


Send a message to Democratic leaders, the people who can make a difference right now. Put the Wild Horse Issue front and center on their radar. 


- CLICK the "TAKE ACTION NOW" button below and send your messages. 


- SHARE this action on all your social media platforms. 


- TAG your posts with the hashtag #HoldAWildHorseHearing and TAG your representatives!


Spread. The. Word. 🙌 We can't do this without YOU.


Thank you for raising your voice on behalf of these animals who cannot speak for themselves.



The Cloud Foundation Calls on House Committee for Hearing Over Animal Abuse by the Bureau of Land Management

 Washington, D.C. (January 25, 2022) Today, The Cloud Foundation is calling on the House Natural Resources Committee to conduct a hearing on blatant government-sanctioned animal abuse at recent wild horse roundups. Last week, a shocking video from the government’s Pancake Complex (Nevada) roundup showed the gruesome torture of a young wild foal. The foal, driven relentlessly by a government-contracted helicopter, breaks his leg during the helicopter chase and is forced to continue running on the obviously broken limb. He was later killed by the Bureau of Land Management (Bureau).


Dana Zarrello