FAST ACTION: 🐴 Support New Legislation for TRNP Horses
Exciting news! Two legislative proposals aimed at protecting and preserving the Teddy Roosevelt National Park horses have been scheduled for public hearings and Chasing Horses Wild Horse Advocates (CHWHA) has sent out a call to rally support. Would you like to help get them passed? Here's how!
Hearing #1:
SCR 4006 – This RESOLUTION, which calls for federal protection of the wild horse herd at Theodore Roosevelt National Park, will go before the committee on 2/6/2025 at 3:15 PM. You may submit written testimony beforehand by clicking the BLUE BUTTON below and selecting the 'Hearing' tab. From there, you'll find an option to UPLOAD and SUBMIT your testimony (as a WORD DOC or PDF).
The deadline to submit testimony for this public hearing is 1:30 PM, February 06, 2025.
SB 2331 – This BILL, which proposes forming a state working group to collaborate with Theodore Roosevelt National Park on managing the wild horses, will go before the committee on 2/7/2025 at 9:30 AM. You may submit written testimony before the hearing by clicking the DARK BLUE BUTTON below and selecting the 'Hearing' tab. From there, you'll find an option to UPLOAD and SUBMIT your testimony (as a WORD DOC or PDF).
The deadline to submit testimony for this public hearing is 8:30 AM, February 07, 2025.
There are only a couple of days to get as many people to testify as possible! Feel free to forward this email to spread the news. 🐎
Please testify IN SUPPORT of BOTH pieces of legislation.
NOTE: If you would like to testify IN PERSON (or virtually) DURING the Hearings, please email CHWHA at They are working with the ND legislators to streamline the in-person and virtual testimony.
Want to testify but have questions? Email CHWHA:
Or! Take a look at the YouTube video below, and/or read their recent blog post ( for some great ideas on how to testify and samples of what to say.
Thank you for supporting the TRNP horses! Passing these two pieces of legislation in the ND Senate will be a crucial step in securing their future.
Let’s make 2025 a year of hope and action! 🙌
~ The Cloud Team
PS - You may watch the vote on SCR 4006 Tuesday (02-11) and SB 2331 on Wednesday (02-12) live on the North Dakota Legislative website: