Update from Congress – Where We Go from Here
Photo by Louis Velazquez
In the last two weeks, Congress passed the FY2021 budget which included a $14 million increase in funding for the BLM’s Wild Horse & Burro Program. In addition to the $21 million increase given in FY2019, that brings funding up to $115.8 million per year. Sadly, this increased funding is to be used for more roundups and removals, as well as questionable and dangerous fertility control that destroys natural behaviors and compromises our wild horses’ ability to survive in extreme conditions and rugged terrain that they call home.
The increased funding is designed to continue propping up the same old broken, rigged system that has bankrupted this Program. It is directly against the Will of the People and is destroying America’s wild horse and burro herds – it’s death by a thousand cuts.
Congress failed to address that wild horses and burros still do not get their fair share on our public lands. The BLM is being allowed to ignore the Congressional mandate, as outlined in the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act, to ensure Herd Areas are “devoted primarily” to the usage and welfare of wild horses and burros.
This increased funding only facilitates the “status quo.” We must educate Congress about foundational issues that plague this federal program – including the inequity of range resources devoted to livestock versus wild horses/burros and protecting natural wild horse behaviors. Ultimately, our goal has not waivered: To Protect America’s Wild Horses and Burros on Our Public Lands.
The Cloud Foundation is energized to hit 2021 running. We have a plan to outreach to members of Congress, work with the incoming Administration and highlight the fact that the BLM status-quo plan lacks any scientific basis, lacks public support and lacks integrity to protect America’s wild horses and burros for future generations.
YOU will play a critical role as we move forward. We will keep you updated in the weeks ahead.
Report language FY2021: https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/INTRept.pdf
House Report (116-100) FY2020: https://www.congress.gov/116/crpt/hrpt100/CRPT-116hrpt100.pdf
Senate Report (116-123) FY2020: https://www.congress.gov/116/crpt/srpt123/CRPT-116srpt123.pdf